Nook readers...

Barnes and Noble's Nook e-Reader does a great job of displaying eBooks, including  PDFs.  Here are the steps required to transfer the PDF to your Nook!

*Be sure to "Right Click and Save As" on a PC (or click to download on a Mac) to make sure your copy of the book downloads to your computer before following any of the steps below.*
  1. Locate the PDF file either on your desktop or within the file browser.
  2. Connect the Nook to your computer via USB cable.  Your Nook should appear in your My Computer folder (or Finder on a Mac). 
  3. Locate the My Documents folder within the Nook by opening the Nook icon/folder and navigating to the My Documents folder.
    Drag and drop the PDF file from the original location to the Nook's My Documents folder.
  4. If you can't find the PDF on your Nook, be sure to select "check for new content" from the My Documents screen.